Where did the poker term the nuts come from

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A Tough One to Crack: The Origin of “The Nuts” | PokerNews A Tough One to Crack: The Origin of “The Nuts” ... So we talk about the “current nuts” (referring to the best possible hand with more cards to come) or sometimes refer to the “second nuts” or “third nuts ... How did such a term find its way into poker? The story of a nutty hand. Nut hand - Wikipedia In poker, the nut hand is the strongest possible hand in a given situation. The second-nut hand or third-nut hand (and so on) may refer to the second and third best possible hands. The term applies mostly to community card poker games where the individual holding the strongest possible hand, with the given board of community cards, is capable of knowing that they have the nut hand. Where did the term 'dead nuts' originate? - Quora

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Nuts - definition of poker term | Poker dictionary Nuts in poker is a term that means the best possible hand on this specific board. The hand can be called 'nut hand' if it can’t be beaten by any other hand on the board dealed. The term 'nuts' in poker is also used to describe the best combination of a kind (not necessarily the strongest on the texture of the board). Nuts - Poker Terms - PokerVIP Having the 'Nuts' in poker is having the best hand you can have in the game. No matter what hand other players may have, the nuts cannot be beaten. e.g. "I had pocket jacks on a board with Jack of spades, 4 of spades, 6 of hearts, 9 of spades and Jack of Diamonds. Some players might have had flushes, but with Quad jacks, I had the nuts!" Where does the term " go nuts " come from? | Yahoo Answers Best Answer: Most likely comes from the American mid-west in the early- to mid 19th century. While in England of the time something 'nuts' meant something good, in the US the word 'nut' became a slang term for one's head.

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"The nuts" in poker is the best hand, where does the term "the nuts" get it's origin from? The KGB Agent answer: A far more likely explanation is that "the nuts" originated from the old English usage of "nuts", meaning "any source of pleasure".

Ever wonder about the meaning of that poker term that keeps cropping up? ... that missed its card and did not ... Nut-low – The lowball version of “the nuts”.

List of playing-card nicknames - Wikipedia

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Being A Nit Is Making You A Bad Poker Player | SplitSuit Poker Jan 15, 2019 ... At some point in your poker journey you will hear the phrase “tight is right”. ... That's right, by only continuing with the effective nuts, the nit is folding 89% of the time ... This same situation comes up again and again. ... folds their brain rewards them by convincing them that villain HAD to have a set that time. How to Analyze Your Poker Hands Effectively in 5 Minutes Jul 27, 2018 ... How do the pros analyze the hands they play at the poker table? ... Does calling on the river seem far too loose? .... as a gut-shot straight draw to the nuts but will almost never win at showdown. .... POKER TERMS GLOSSARY ... Poker Strategy For Beginners; Playing Like A Rock - Poker Tips ... I remember the days where I did not understand fully what to do in poker as I .... Stop giggling, nuts is a term in poker when there is a very small ... The flop hits, and lo and behold you see the three cards come out as A K 5. Glossary of Poker Terms - Play Expert Poker

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